Untitled (Study 1) (c.1970), Oil Pastel and Ink on Paper, 25.5 x 15.2cm
Untitled (Study 10) (c.1960), Oil Pastel on Paper, 20 x 25cm
Untitled (c.1995), Unique Linocut with Hand Tinting, 64 x 64cm
Untitled (1966), Acrylic and Canvas on Board, 47 x 38.1cm
Untitled (1972), Gouache on Paper, 55.5 x 81cm
Two Hearts (c.1990), Acrylic and Collage on Board, 36 x 25.5cm
Three Drawings for White Out (1981), Pencil and Pastel on Paper, Each one is 19 x 27cm
Tears of the Sun (1995), Acrylic on Canvas, 203 x 106.8cm
Suspended Purple, Ochre, Green and Black, Acrylic and Gouache, 76 x 56cm
Slung Purple (c.1996), Acrylic and Collage Canvas, 152 x 152cm